
Monday, 30 September 2019

The Beginner Poker Player - 3 Tips For Success

Ok, you've watched all the poker pros on TV win all those millions playing poker on ESPN. Do you want to be the next poker star? Well, just reading this article will not make you are star but it's a step in the right direction.
For those who tell you that poker is relatively simple, they are right. The rules are simple once you get the hang of it but it's a very challenging game. Before you head over to Atlantic City or Las Vegas, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of betting such as what it means to raise, call, and fold. In addition, you must know the rank of each hand! Why? Well, for one, you don't want to keep on raising your bet on a hand you think is a winner but is not! So, without further ado, below are three tips to help you get started on your road to being a poker pro!
1. Play with fake money. Take out your monopoly board that you haven't used in ages and use monopoly money first. Why? You don't have to worry about wiping away your savings which means you can still sleep at night! It's also a good idea to go online and start playing with fake money there as well.
2. Pick a strategy.  Just like different clothing styles, everyone has a different poker style that suits them best. If you are not that aggressive, then don't try to be an aggressive poker player. Better poker players will be able to see right through you which will hurt you in the end. If you are the calm and collected type, then take that to your advantage. The calm and collected types are hard to read!
3. Practice makes perfect. Think about all those countless hours professional players spend practicing. Well, in order to become an amazing poker player, you will need to practice continuously.
Practice online and practice with your friends. After a while, you should enter in local tournaments. Who knows, you might be playing among the best in Vegas one day! There you go, here are three tips for beginner poker players. Hopefully with a little bit of luck, sound strategy, and tons of practice, you will be making the big bucks soon!


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